Tuesday, 6 September 2011

TWC Individual Topic Review Paper Outline

Technology and Evolution of Lighting

Executive Summary
Introduction/BackgroundBrief History of Light bulb to LED (Revolution?) increased prolonged lifespan of light. Energy Saving. Indirectly affects the consumption of the fuel
Modern uses of LED and its advantages (vs Light Bulb)

Key Observations    
What give rise to the popularity of LED lights?
White colour LED became popular – originated from Japan

Discussion and AnalysisWith Reference to (Jared Diamond)
Application of Necessity’s Mother
1.1 Inventions as mother to necessities
- technology cumulative
- finds its uses after it’s inventions
1.2 Factors influencing Acceptance
1.3 Autocalytic Process

Issues/Challenges/OpportunitiesGood and Downsides of LED and its possible revolution

Taking Things Forward
Future Invention of Unlimited power supply LED lights



1 comment:

  1. Hi there,

    First off, i'd like to say that you're chosen technology is not run of the mill. LOL. And i had to wikipedia and google light emitting diode to get a clearer picture on what this technology entails. Oh and disclaimer, not that i'm a pro or anything, the following is just my own unprofessional and objective (i hope) view.

    Firstly, your format's all weird and different from everyone else's. So anyway, for the historical perspective, you might wanna include pointers like how the normal incandescent lightbulb evolved from that to the LED light. Was there any impetus or was it an overnight thing? And you might wanna include how was life before the LED lights.

    For the current situation, you might not only wanna include topics which you've included such as the pros and cons but also how this technology is used in our modern day context. How people use it, What kind of people use it. And Why would these people use it.. Basically the W's of dent journalism.
    BTW, i like how you managed to tie in the topic of energy consumption into the use of LED. After all energy savings is the 'it' thing so talking about it being able to tie it into your project is real cool.

    Finally, i noticed that you didn't have the opportunity to talk much about the future implications of the technology. Maybe this is deliberate? But you might wanna include a substantial portion of the future implicates for your report. After all, its a chance to show how creative and adaptable this technology can be;)

    Yup! thats my views. I do hope that was useful.
