Saturday, 12 November 2011

Session 13

Time really flies and we have finished our last class of TWC with a sweet-bitter feeling. We have been through 13 weeks of TWC lessons with my classmates and have indeed learnt a lot from Prof on the perspective on technology and world change. This is the last week of TWC lesson and we need to start preparing for the final exams. This week’s presentations were very nice and interesting, which consist of technology and politics, technology and terrorism, Tablet technology, and my group’s presentation which is about enabling beauty through technology.

I would focus more on my group’s presentation about beauty. We spent a relatively long time to do research and setting up the website to make it look nice and informative. However, some of the limitations and difficulties that we faced were how to integrate the TWC to beauty. Some of the technologies that are used in the past such as the foot binding were considered beauty in the past, however, it was not considered beauty in present, where beauty were very based on the outer beauty such as slim and thick makeup. Hence, actually beauty is very subjective and it’s the perception of beauty that changes from the past to present and will continue to change in the future. Therefore, beauty is actually very subjective, what may be considered as beauty in the past may not be considered beauty in the future. Therefore, it is very interesting and our group decided to choose to research on this topic.

I would rate this week’s lesson a 10/10 as it is very interesting and fulfilling with all the nice and informative websites and broaden our knowledge and perspective on what technology can bring changes to our live. This may be the end of our TWC journey, but it will be another beginning for my live towards technology and world changes experienced by myself. Thank you for the past 13 weeks full of knowledge and perspectives. Till we meet again!  

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Session 12

Time flies and here we are, on the 12th week of the school term. These 2 weeks are basically the presentation weeks for our web reports and then off we go to prepare for exams. This week’s session we have 4 groups presenting on the different topics, which consist of the Eco-technology, photography, food technology, Technology and E-commerce all of which are relatively interesting. However, I would only touch on 2 of the ones which I think is the most interesting, which are the Food technology in the future and E-Commerce.

Food is essential for survival for people and will be an issue in the future where people will be vying for food. Hence, I think this topic would be very relevant to us in the future regarding food security. I think they did a very good job in researching for the different methods and technology of food in the future. However, I thought we are not supposed to present on the topics that we chosen on our individual presentation or individual review paper? But why does it seems like they are just using the information that they retrieved were from their own individual presentation. But nonetheless, they have done a good job in the web report which is very nice and very appealing to people.

For E-commerce, I think this is what businesses and corporations will all be very concerned about. As there are more and more methods and mediums for payment to be made and received, people would be able to make payments more conveniently. One of the possibilities being mentioned was the commercialization of products and services through the internet. In the future, people would not need to go out to source for products, but rather just stay at home and purchase items through the internet, and also paying through the system. Hence, it would be very convenient and speeds up the whole process of buying and selling, especially for perishable goods.

The rating I would give this week would be 9/10 as there were very good presentations, but probably more things could be discussed during the rest of the time during the class.